Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's hard to believe in this day in time that father's rights are discriminated to such a degree. What ever happened to fairness? Oh yes, fairness has never been established in Texas courts concerning fathers rights. Children need both mother and father. Children grow up much more confident and well rounded having both parents equally in their lives. If the father and mother of the children have never married, the courts favor the mother automatically. A father has to hire an attorney to establish his parental rights in order to help make decisions for his children such as what school his children should attend , and matters of importance in raising his children. The laws here in Texas are so backwards. A mother is assumed to have all the rights to make these decisions without having to go to court. Intelligence does not live in the Texas court of law or else the courts would recognize fathers as equal in making decisions for their children and raising their children. I do believe this is 2009 and not the 1950's, but as far as the laws on fathers rights go, you'd think it was the 1950's. I am a woman here speaking out for fathers rights. I am seeing first hand how unfair the lawas are, and I'm sure there are plenty fathers out there who have been hurt by the laws favoring women when it comes to parental rights.